We've had a couple of sunny days, and have been able to get out into the garden. I've planted some perennials that have been kicking around since fall. I randomly pulled weeds here and there, and cut back a lot of last year's winter killed growth. I love to see the new leaves bunching up at the base of the shasta daisies, asters, hollyhocks and lupines. The plum tree is blooming, the raspberries are showing green buds. The kiddo and I seeded lettuce, tomatoes - campari and cherries, four kinds of kale, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, romanesco, purple kolrabi (Or cold-rabi and the kiddo says), ground cherries and collards, and set them up under lights on the heat pads, in the greenhouse. Soon we'll be able to direct sow some things out in the garden, I've been watching for the sign, the blooming forsythia, so I can seed the peas, beets, carrots, parsnips, radishes, spinach, lettuce, corn salad, and bok choi. There still is some clean up left, I need to finish the new garden plots, trim the pear tree, clean up the strawberry plants, build a fence so the Booger can't get in and eat the bounty like she did last summer.
My kiddo cannot get enough of strawberries. I unearthed another 1 lb bag of frozen strawberries from last year's garden in the deep freeze and set to work the other morning. The extracts really take it to another level and make it special. The strawberries turn the oatmeal a lovely pink color. The Kiddo had seconds.
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Took the photo before I added the yogurt. |
Strawberry Oatmeal3c water
1 lb frozen strawberries (or could use fresh in season)
1 1/2 c old fashioned oats
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 tsp orange extract
2 T honey or to taste
3 T ground flax seed
Walnuts and plain yogurt for topping
Bring the water and strawberries to a boil in a saucepan. Reduce the heat and simmer until the strawberries are cooked and tender. Stir in the oats, simmer another 5 minutes, until oats are cooked and starting to become thicker. Stir in extracts, honey and ground flax seed. Serve topped with walnuts and yogurt. Yum! Serves 4 or more.
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